Create an API key

Proper authenticates your API requests using your account’s API keys. If a request doesn’t include a valid key, Proper returns an invalid request error. If a request includes a deleted key, Proper returns an authentication error.

We recommend creating restricted API keys and limit data acess to individual resources.


Login and pick the right legal entity

Make sure you are viewing the entity you want to generate an API key for.


Navigate to Settings -> API keys

Under Settings you find API keys. Here are the existing keys listed, view request logs and make new keys.


Create new key

Make sure to give your API key a meaningful name and the necessary permissions. You can always update the permissions later.

Proper generate a unique ID for each legal entity – we call this an owner. You can think of an owner as a separate account. When requesting the API you need an API key per owner that you want to access.

Follow the steps above to optain an API Key for each of your owners.

Restricted API keys

For optimal security, generate restricted API keys with precise access controls. For instance, when syncing with your accounting system, use a key that exclusively permits write operations, preventing unauthorized modifications or access to unrelated data.